Monday, March 30, 2009


Holy crap, has it really been two months since I last posted?

I totally did not mean to flake out like that, but first I didn't have anything to post about, then I had stuff, but wasn't feeling very motivated, then I was sick, then I felt like posting, but had so much I wanted to post about I didn't know where to start, so I didn’t.

Sorry about that everybody :(
(That is, if there's anybody left?)

I have a bunch of stuff I want to post about, including some FOs and a couple of new patterns.

But fist, a little teaser to hold you over while I try to get my thoughts organized.

legwarmersteaser billsevergreensocksprogress teaser
sock summit 09 markers first batch teaser bluebabyblanketprogress teaser


  1. Abigail, I am such a DORK! I had 23 comments on my blog to moderate and like a dork I accidentally clicked on "REJECT" instead of PUBLISH! SO SORRY!!!
    Your comment was one of those. I so want to count you in as part of the giveaway!!! Would you kindly comment again? I copied your comment from the email alert that was sent:

    "what a lovely cake!
    congratulations on the blogaversery, here's to many more!

  2. thanks Momo!

    don't worry about it, everybody makes mistakes now and then, i re posted my comment.
    thanks for the heads up :D
