Tuesday, December 26, 2006

ho ho ho

I hope everyone had a good Christmas/Yule/Solstice/Hanukah/Kwanza/Festivus/whatever.

Just a few pictures from my holiday:

the sky on the way down to my parent's house was beautiful, I don't this picture does it justice, especially as I had to take it out of a moving car's window.

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While setting the table for dinner, my grandmother's cat, Rusty tried to get in on the act. I think he was disappointed, no food yet.

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home this morning, Cayenne cuddling/shredding her new friend.

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chocolate cake truffles that I gave out for Christmas, the top ones are Kahlua with powdered cocoa coating, middle was Baileys with powdered sugar, and the bottom was Kirsch.

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and for knitting content!

Some little knitted gifts I gave:

Perdita for my cousin, she loved it! (it's unfinished in this picture, because I had to wait until I could measure it on her wrist before putting on the loops to fasten it with.)

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The mitered square heart sachet(pdf)

This was quite fun to knit, and my grandmother loved it! I stuffed it with lavender, and she kept picking it up and sniffing it throughout the present opening.

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I enjoyed making the sachet so much, I wanted to try making it in this neat worsted wool I had too, so I set down to fiddle with the pattern and came up with this:

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my soon to be mother in law loved it.

and then a gift for myself, I wasn't sure I liked the way the ridges worked on the fist version, so I tried on with just stockinet.

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I'm still not sure which way I like better. Ah well.


MJ said...

MMMmmmmmmm truffles!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sky!
Yummy truffles, and a wonderful sachet.

Merry Christmas to you, and a soon to be Happy New Year!

Abigail said...

Thank you Lyndanna!

The truffles were delicious, I've gotten nothing but compliments, and they were so easy to make!

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