Finishing a cross stitch bookmark
How to finish a cross stitch bookmark when not working with
already prepared bookmark fabric:
Before you start stitching, be sure to cut your fabric with at
least 9 extra squares on each side for finishing.
Stitch your bookmark pattern, then fold the sides to the back
leaving 3-4 empty squares on either side of the stitching. Tack the
edges down - you can use a blanket stitch like I did, or a simple
running stitch, or any decorative stitch as long as it isn't too
Flip the bookmark over and carefully trim the corners. Then pull
out the horizontal threads to create a fringe. Be sure to leave at
least three empty squares between the fringe and the stitching.
Wash and Iron your bookmark. Remember to keep the bookmark face
down so that you do not crush the stitches.
Carefully glue a piece of felt over the back of the bookmark to
protect the back of your stitching.
Enjoy your new bookmark!!
(Cross stitch chart for this bookmark is available here)