Well, my legs and back have definitely had enough of the summer already.
Yoga is helping, and once I get used to it, my body will get back in the groove and I'll have more energy.
So how is everything on the kitting front?
I haven't had much energy or time.
Remember the Regia socks?

I went back to them; plain Jane knitting seems to be all I can handle after work most days.
The first week of May was mostly just cleaning the winters dust off of everything, and I had started another pair of socks.

These for my cousin, Tasha.
Hopefully I'll finish them before the summers over. I'm planning on making them thigh highs, I think the pattern will look cute; she has skinny little stick legs, and likes to wear short skirts a lot.
I want to knit some lace.
I know, I just said I hand no energy or concentration, and now I want to pick up something fiendishly complicated on tiny little needles?
What can I say, I'm nutz.
I really think I'm addicted to lace, that and like I said, once I get used to the work I should be able to cope better, I mean, I did manage to knit two lace shawls last summer too.
I'm thinking either this:

(feather and fan, by Eugen Beugler from A Gathering of Lace another picture here or here)
or this:

Rose of England table cloth from Marion Kinzel's Second Book of Modern Lace Knitting
I haven't decided yet which one I want to do, perhaps both.