Well it has definitely been a tiring summer around here, thankfully there is only about two weeks of work left.
Progress on feather and fan is going well; I'm a little over half way finished. Although it has slowed down a bit as it has gotten too big to travel with, so it has become my stay at home project. Even that hasn't kept it safe though, somehow it has acquired a small red stain - I'm assuming raspberries - but I'm not sure how it got it, as the knitting is kept far away from the food. It's a good thing I plan on dying it once I'm finished.

That and I was distracted for a few days be Ravely. :-/
I love being able to surf through patters and see other peoples projects with just a few clicks. It makes finding good projects so easy.
Including this:

His Name is Alexander the Great Lion Washcloth.
Or Knitty's Grrr.
Bill saw the pattern while I was surfing around Ravely and thought it was cute, so I decided to make one for him. (He doesn’t want to use it, just keep it as a friend... my husband is a little weird sometimes)
It was actually quite fun, the loop stitches were a PITA at first, but once I got in to the grove of it, it was a fast and fun little knit.
I've also picked up the crochet pineapple doily I had started in the middle of last summer, but never finished, I had been hoping to submit it into he fair for judging, but didn't finish in time. It has become my new traveling project and I only have a few more rounds to go, I think it will definitely be submitted next summer.