Thursday, March 13, 2008

A new use for cheap place mats

can you guess what these are?

Need a hint?

Yep! I just made myself a set of sock blockers, perfect for my feet, and only $1

Here's the original placemat:
(spongebob was all I could find at the local dollar store that wasn't a dead guy hanging on a cross, seriously... wtf? Who wants a placemat with the crucifixion scene on it, and it was gruesome too, just what every person wants to look at while eating dinner...)

The instructions are here at Little Sesame Knits
It's super simple and super cheap!

I think I need to go back and pick up another placemat so I can make another set... and perhaps some contact paper. While spongebob is cute, I don't think he really works on sock blockers.

The coolest part about the new sock blockers? I can now model my new socks:


Anonymous said...

Neat idea! I'll have to remember that for when I start socks ;)

Nana Sadie said...

What a great idea!

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